Let’s face it. No two customers are alike – especially large Corporates with complex structures and processes. But providing highly customized solutions is costly and unsustainable. Our TEM solution couples our B2B portal suite with value add data, workflows and integrations. This well-designed balance ensures your customers’ specific needs are met with an off-the-shelf and cost efficient solution.
Telecom costs represent a sizeable portion of a Corporate’s expenses, with the majority tied to day-to-day management of employee devices and services. They have business systems and processes in place. And they’re expecting their telecom partners to adapt to their ways – not vice versa. We enable these services to eliminate the manual and costly tasks tied to telecom management.
We help our clients understand the requirements and motivators behind a user’s digital transactions and interactions. We know the ins and outs of your systems and processes. But more importantly, we know the same about your most valuable customers. This unique perspective allows us to continually deliver highly adopted, market-leading portal experiences.
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The Globys TEM Solution combines custom data, workflows and customer-specific integrations with the full-range of capabilities available in the Globys B2B Portal Solution. Integrating data from different sources, such as mobile and fixed, enables Enterprises to get a full overview of their telecom costs, usage and resources. Workflows make it possible to automate their internal telecom management processes by enabling employees to order, managers to approve, and you as a CSP to deliver, without involvement of the telecom manager.
The Globys TEM Solution provides multi-national customers (MNCs) with a comprehensive view of their invoices and data, spanning any number of CSPs and countries. Leveraging a proprietary data loader technology, Globys aggregates and normalizes the specific CSP formats into a single format reflective of the customer’s home language and currency. This comprehensive and consistent view, combined with advanced reporting, allocation and analysis functionality, enables MNC customers to expedite analysis and any required actions. For CSPs, this managed and automated approach provides a cost effective way to expand the value of their TEM offering. Globys’ TEM Solutions are ISO/IEC 27001 certified and provided in over 55 countries and 170 billing formats.
The Globys TEM Solution employs a solution which quickly connects systems and processes which are commonly associated with the buy, manage, and pay process – from both the CSP and business customer ecosystem. For the CSP, any number of systems, including billing, order management, product catalogs, CRM, accounts receivable, and third-party networks are easily integrated into the Globys framework. This approach of leveraging existing infrastructure allows CSPs to operate ‘as usual’ while adding a comprehensive digital component to their customer experience. For the customer, standardized APIs to systems, such as NetSuite, Service Now, and Apple DEP, provide immediate business value by eliminating manual and costly processes that are commonly employed today.
Globys gives us a competitive advantage by helping our customers to better understand their own consumption, while also providing our internal teams with visibility of the entire customer relationship.
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