Globys Analytics

Deliver real-time insights to drive real-time optimization

Give your business customers the reporting tools to analyze and optimize their products and services. Users have access to account, product, device and usage dashboards with drill-downs to detailed data. Custom reports are created within a few clicks and easily shared across multiple users. Real-time usage monitoring and alerts eliminate month-end surprises. And with direct integration to Globys Buy, Manage and Pay, users are empowered to take immediate action.

Eliminate customer surprises

Improve customer satisfaction

Reduce support and dispute costs

Differentiate your services

Scalable for All Business Segments

Designed to meet the needs from SMB to large corporate to government.

Real-time Monitoring & Alerts

Automated analysis and personalized alerts for usage-based services.

User-configurable Dashboard

Custom at-a-glance views for quick identification of required actions.


Personalized reporting using guided templates and all available data.


Integrated hierarchy management for cost allocation and reporting.

Automated Report Delivery

In-app, e-mail and SFTP delivery of user-scheduled recurring and one-time reports.

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Get Globys Research alerts to keep up-to-date on CSP B2B portal best practices.


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